Joseph Mungai
Our Trip Leaders
Joseph Mungai has vast experience in trip organisation, logistics and in leading expeditions in both Kenya and Tanzania. He has climbed East Africa’s main peaks (Meru, Mt Kenya and Kilimanjaro) many times and is another former beneficiary of Moving Mountains who has ended up with full time employment through Adventure Alternative. He began at Muthurwa Primary School like so many of the others and he has become a respected married man and father.
Mungai works closely with the UK office in all the day to day organisation, accounts and trip preparation. He grew up in Kibera, sub-Saharan Africa’s largest slum and it is here that Gavin met him as a young boy at school. Later, after gaining qualifications in community health he offered to volunteer his time on a project that Moving Mountains was developing in the slum, the continued construction and development of Ushirika Community Clinic and from there he started running community health projects for the charity and working as a co-leader with the company.
Anyone that visits Kibera on an Adventure Alternative trip will be guided through the narrow paths and open sewers between the small mud and corrugated iron homes by Joseph and he leads many of our youth expeditions across East Africa, particularly in Tanzania where he has built up a strong relationship with the team from Adventure Alternative Tanzania.