Embu Provincial Hospital
Location: Embu, Eastern Province
Outpatient Services: Casualty Dept, Voluntary Counselling and Testing Centre for HIV/AIDS, Anti Retroviral Therapy Clinics, Chest Clinics (TB, COAD, Asthma), Mother and Child Health Clinics, Antenatal Clinics, Diabetes Clinic, Eye Unit, Dental Clinic, Ear, Nose and Throat, Immunizations & Psychiatric consultations
Inpatient Services: Medical, Surgical, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology & Maternity
Medical Facilities: X-ray, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Laboratory, Theatre for minor surgery & Pharmacy
No. of Doctors: There are approximately 30 qualified doctors working at the hospital ranging from interns to specialist consultants and the hospital provides education facilities and clinical placements for nursing students and also trains laboratory technicians within the hospital. Newly qualified doctors are also supervised through their internships at this hospital.
Number of Beds: 468

Embu Provincial Hospital is a relatively large teaching hospital on the outskirts of Embu town. It is the main hospital for Eastern Province, providing both inpatient and outpatient services for a large population. The hospital has good x-ray facilities and laboratory testing facilities, and referrals are taken from all the surrounding rural clinics and dispensaries.
The hospital is very clean and tidy, and well organised and efficiently run, though it does get overcrowded. At present there are no Intensive Care Facilities, although construction is underway for a new six bedded unit and other additions, all of which will make Embu Provincial the 3rd largest referral hospital in Kenya.
Embu itself is situated on the southern slopes of Mount Kenya and is about 2 hours from Nairobi depending on traffic. Outside of the town it is very green and you’ll find a huge variety different fruit, vegetables, coffee, etc being grown in the foothills of Mt Kenya. There are also some stunning waterfalls, good day hikes and access to Mt Kenya via the Chogoria route. The town itself has a safe feel about it, there are a number of outdoor swimming pools, bars and restaurants and hotels and a young population, due to a number of different colleges and university campus in the area.
Your accommodation in Embu is at the Adventure Alternative Guest House, which is a 5 minute walk from the hospital. The guest house has a large living area, kitchen, hot shower and western toilets, two dorm rooms and a veranda that overlooks the hills which surround Embu.
Moving Mountains has a number of projects in Embu including the renowned ‘Black Cats’ Street Children Football Club and the Rescue Centre for street children. We also support a couple of schools in the area and have successfully set up some of the local street children in businesses or helped them back in to a school/college environment.
Elective Video from Embu – Part 1 of Claire McClintock’s time with Adventure Alternative in Embu where she spent 4 weeks in the physiotherapy department of Embu Provincial Hospital
Elective Video from Kenya – Part 2 of Claire McClintock’s time in Kenya with Moving Mountains and Adventure Alternative where she travelled to Western Kenya to join the one of our school ‘Africamp’ expeditions on the grounds of the Moving Mountains Ulamba Orphanage and Community Village.
Elective Blog from Embu – Joanna Byers Elective blog from Embu Provincial Hospital (April 2012) including her experience on an Adventure Alternative Mt Kenya climb and overland safari.
Moving Mountains Blog from Embu – Update from our staff in Kenya that shares some of the experiences of Antonia Hoyle (Medical Elective – January 2011) who had been working at Embu Provincial and St Mary’s Hospital in Nairobi

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