Volunteer in Kenya
To volunteer in Kenya is to experience life off the beaten track on rural and slum projects which have been developed, supported and run by our NGO staff in Kenya, and we hope you will return home with a true appreciation for life in Kenya and an insight into how we believe developmental aid and volunteering can and should work.
To volunteer in Kenya is to experience life off the beaten track on rural and slum projects which have been developed, supported and run by our NGO staff in Kenya, and we hope you will return home with a true appreciation for life in Kenya and an insight into how we believe developmental aid and volunteering can and should work.
It is a trip designed to foster personal development and perhaps career opportunities, and this is one of the objectives of the charity as well so we provide a lot of training and support and contact when you come back again. This trip is really about people, and interacting with others in a friendly and equal way, learning from others irrespective of background, and helping people think about their values and opinions, and to show them Africa. Some of our work with the Moving Mountains Trust has been quite transformative, especially in a place called Solio in central Kenya where we have assisted over 12,000 internally displaced families to build seven complete villages with schools, water tanks, clinics and homes. All with the help of volunteers, especially from Canada, as this video shows:
We are not about perpetuating damaging stereotypes about volunteering in Africa, and we’re not interested in marketing a ‘save the world’ message either. We have so many years of evidence and experience to back up our success story, and it’s been one that has involved many people in Kenya over decades.
What Our Adventurers Think:
I think I speak for both myself and Orla when I say that we certainly got more out of our efforts than we gave. It was a wonderful experience and a great holiday to boot! Your staff are amazing, both Mungai and Gilbert were fantastic hosts, a credit to themselves and Moving Mountains/Adventure Alternative
Will keep Nepal in the back of my mind, but for now Kenya is very much at the front of it!
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