
0 by Petrina Lynch

I have done Kilimanjaro and Everest Base Camp with Adventure Alternative and they are outstanding. I highly recommend this company. Chris was so helpful with all our questions and was so quick in replying to all our queries. Tsering, our guidefor Everest Base Camp was amazing, friendly, supportive and kind. He was so knowledgeable and added greatly to our experience. Phurn Tashi, Tserings brother joined us and we all shared many laughs and jokes together. Ayush, our porter was the best and always had a big smile to greet us everyday. We were all a great team and had the best experience ever. We were so sad saying goodbye to everyone. We will definitely book another tour with this company. Ten out Ten. Loved every moment. Outstanding.


0 by Anna Ayres

I would like to say a great big thankyou to everyone at Adventure Alternative especially to our guide Jangbu and porters Rinchin & Karma for making this trek extra special. The start of our trip was hindered by Andrews bag being held at Deli airport, but the team worked hard to solve the problem and Jangbu provided all the kit required so we could carry on with the trek. The mountain scenery was incredible & walking through the villages seeing how the locals live was something I will always remember. We saw lots of wildlife too - eagles, Tahr, pika. The trek was challenging but well worth it and Jangbu was incredibly attentive to everyone's needs and has a very likeable personality. I would highly recommend Adventure Alternative for a trek in Nepal & hope to return one day.


Testimonial by Richard O'Donovan

Just a wee note to say thanks for getting my "missing bag" up the mountain for me. What initially from my perspective looked like a disaster at the start of my trek turned out to be the most fantastic 3 wks I have ever spent anywhere so far. The whole trek just blew my mind away, from the culture, scenery and mostly the people, esp the sherpa's & porters used by adv alt. I dont think I could praise enough the likes of Pasang, Jangbu & Geljun who looked after us at times above & beyond the call of duty.  Please pass on my sentiments to all of the crew out there.


Testimonial by Sue Co

I have just returned from Everest Base Camp with two friends. I just wanted to say that we all had a fantastic time – it was truly an amazing journey and a wonderful experience.  The staff that Adventure Alternative employ are second to nonehappy, helpful caring and informative.

We were fortunate to have Tshring and Lopsang both truly amazing guys, together with five porters , one for each of us. It’s nice to know and reassuring that the company pay above “normal wages” and that each porter carries one bag. We all saw too often how much other porters carry and for much less. It was hard enough doing the trek with our day sacks let alone having to carry around 20kg each step of the way.


Testimonial by Dave

I'd like to express my huge gratitude for the immense opportunity you've given me on the Bushmills Trek. The last three months have been a roller-coaster of challenges set in unbelievable locations that I'll be talking about for many years to come! The memories of the people that we've met and breathtaking sights witnessed along the way will certainly stay with me forever. I feel incredibly privileged not only to have visited Africa and the Himalayas, but also to have been invited into the homes of the local people and gain a genuine insight into their culture.......I don't think it gets any more authentic that that! The only slight problem I'm left with now is having to decide where to go next!


Testimonial by Jan

I had a fantastic trip and was looked after wonderfully in Kathmandu by Pasang and, on the trek itself,  Lopsang and Tendi were brilliant, nothing being too much trouble and always attentive and helpful - you have a great team out in Nepal.

I have some very special memories of my trek - the stunning scenery, the walk itself, the people I met on the way and the marvellous sense of achievement at reaching my goal by arriving at base camp; thank you once again for organising it for me.


Testimonial by Permjit

I am still coming to terms in my head about all that happened on the trip, it really was a life changing experience for me.  I really enjoyed  even those times when my diaphragm would not expand for me to take a deep breath and the tiredness was so great I could not take another step.

I want to say that the porters were absolutely fantastic, and very supportive, I don’t think I could have made it without their support. It is an experience I will never forget, and I feel  jealous that I won’t be able to join you on mount Everest. The whole of the Himalayas, witnessed by me in Indian movies as a child is an amazing place, thousand times better than the movies! Seeing you at base camp was surreal, but memorable.

I loved the whole trip, all the people I met and I will definitely do it again, I think for me slow and steady did win the race, however on any future trip, I will improve my fitness, if possible. It will be a while before I go back though, because there are too many other exciting things to do before then.
Many, many thanks for making this a great trip, and I look forward to travelling with you again.