
Testimonial by Alice Grattan

Hi Andy, Gilbert and the Kenya team,

Gilbert has just dropped us off at Wilson's and I wanted to write immediately to say thank you all for making our trip to Mt Kenya and Embu very memorable.
We had a fantastic time on Mt Kenya. Cyrus was a wonderfully supportive guide - we have a new nickname for good time keeping in our family, namely 'Cyrus time', which means on the dot, or possibly 5 minutes earlier than agreed. His attention to detail in organising all the logistics for us here has been excellent. He didn't bat an eyelid at my rather crazy idea of doing the climb with a 10 year old (Jessica) and it was his commitment to the whole team (us, cooks, porters) that ensured the entire family got to the top for sunrise. The cooking team, notably Paul, were also great, producing wonderful vegetarian food for us at every meal, having tea and popcorn ready for arrivals. We also enjoyed hearing Jackson's stories of skiing off the top in the days when the glacier was rather larger. He was also a great support on summit and descent day, helping Jessica smash her PB for kilometers walked in a day to make it all the way to Meru Bandas for a hot shower!
My legs have yet to totally recover from the last day (!), but Gilbert and his family's hospitality in Embu aided our speedy recovery and really enriched our time here, though I have to admit it has been pretty intense for my kids! It is all very well to see life in slums on TV but a whole other thing to see it in real life. We couldn't bring the Black Cats a winning streak but it was great to see them in action.
Finally thank you for making all the logistics work for us, it has been seamless. I have one item to add to your excellent kit list, namely some of those teabag type hand and feet warmers for summit morning, and possibly a hot water bottle for the cold nights! (Though Cyrus' adventure alternative plastic bottle was an excellent hot water bottle!)
So, thank you again for giving us a memorable time here in Kenya; I have already recommended you to a friend, and Rosie (aged 12) is planning her return as a volunteer...!
Alice, Luke, Max, Rosie and Jessica

Testimonial by Dr John Parker

Hi Andy, I have arrived back in Adelaide after a great African visit/holiday etc.

Firstly, I want to express my appreciation and thanks to all those who helped me get to the top of Mt Kenya and down safely. It was a fabulous trek and reasonably challenging for me but Cyrus was great and walked slowly with me all the way. He was well supported by the other members of the support team – Jackson, Daniel and chef Agostino. They fed me very well and I take my hat off to them for their encouragement and support.

Secondly, after visiting the Embu rescue centre with Gilbert, I have offered to support the Moving Mountains project by way of providing some financial support so that Gilbert can get some of the younger lads onto the soccer/football field. I will do that directly through the Moving Mountains website in the next day or two.

Thirdly, I thank Kelly for getting my to and fro from Nairobi. We had a few problems getting stuck in mud on the way out of Embu but we made it to the airport in time so hats off to Kelly also. Thank you again for a very memorable and rewarding trek. Regards John